Creativity CONTEST

DIy Prizes

1st Place: R8 II
2nd Place: FD5
3rd Place: Project Ace or Yvain

*Participation Award:

Every contestant who receives more than 50 votes will receive a HiBy official store coupon.

Photography prizes

1st Place: R6Pro II
2nd Place: R4 or Project Ace
3rd Place: Yvain


Send your DIY project pictures (≥3 images) or product photography to bd@hiby.com.

*Please include the creative name for your project & the name of the submitter & other contact information in the email.


Submission Ends: August 15th
Voting Starts: August 16th
Voting Ends: August 26th


Additional Information

Product Range: Any HiBy products currently available on the official website (players, earphones, AMPs)

DIY Submission Format: Any of the following formats are accepted: hand-drawn sketches, 3D models, 2D designs, and actual photos.

The scope of DIY: Includes but is not limited to custom-made protective cases, self-made/altered appearances, modified system UIs, custom straps, and self-made accessories.

If the prize you receive is something you already own: We can discuss exchanging the prize at that time. You don’t need to worry about getting a duplicate product.

*All works except AI-generated ones are accepted.​

The final interpretation of the event belongs to HiBy.

Click here to download the HIBY R4 protective case CAD file.