CanJam is the world's premier headphone audio show with annual events in Los Angeles, New York, Singapore, London and Denver. Hailed as the international audio fest, Canjam has recently held the audio show in Shanghai for the first time. Hiby was honored to be invited to participate in Canjam Shanghai, staging on the largest platform for hi-fi industry with over 100 valuable brands.

HiBy displayed a wide range of products, including the latest R6 Pro, R6 (multicolor edition) and R3 in Canjam Shanghai, it was the first time for R6 pro to offer free product trial in China. With a booth set up for onsite product testing, Hiby’s staff and audio specialists simultaneously offered product introduction and debugging services for the participants.

As a domestic brand, HiBy drew a sound number of foreign attendees and overseas distributors to its booth for collaboration discussion. Hiby has successfully broadened its business network through the exhibition, leaving out an obvious potential source of new sales while introducing its brand philosophy to global audiences. HiBy will continue to adhere to the concept of “Make Music More Musical”, bringing everyone more quality products and services.